A New Book (A few days early): May Update

A New Book (A few days early): May Update

New book in new series is done.

It’ll hopefully go on sale next week. Just waiting for a few things to finish up πŸ™‚

Here’s the introductory chapters to the unedited version: https://royalroadl.com/fiction/chapter/112549

Now… what to write next…

And here’s the new cover below.


Commenting area

  1. Should write the next book in the series

  2. Definitely thinking about it. πŸ™‚

    We'll see what happens in a few weeks. Reviews are coming in that people seemed to like it.

    Reviews are one of the only real ways I can get a handle on how it was received.

  3. I freaking loved the hell out of it. 10 out of 10. You are amazing!

  4. is there a chance there will be audiobook version?

  5. Thanks! I really appreciate the kind words. πŸ˜€

  6. Yup!

    Jeff Hays has signed on to do the Audiobook. Should be for sale in late June.

  7. Awesome news.
    Will pre order as soon as possible.

  8. Inhaled the book.. loved it.. can't wait to read the next. . I practically read it in one sitting. One small issue though some of the status menu prompts did not format well and it appears as if some text got lost somewhere.. going to start my second read through in the morning.. love your writing style and the characters !!

  9. Never mind.. menu prompt fixed by resizing font in kindle.. carry on and ignore that .. previous statement..

  10. Great book read it in a sleepless night very good speed and charter development his power was very creative and added a whole new aspect to the book

  11. Seriously loved this book. The whole journey and characters were really engaging. Very much hope you write the sequel next as there are many open questions regarding the world lore and character backgrounds that I want to know.

  12. Glad to hear that. I was about to crack open the whole thing and dig through it. πŸ™‚

  13. Glad to hear it. I tried to go pretty far off the beaten trail with this one.

  14. Yep, writing a sequel. πŸ™‚

  15. What a great read, marathonned the book today, 10/10. Can't wait for Book 2

  16. Thanks, already working away at it. Hopefully within 4-5 months.

  17. Who does your covers? They're really nice.

    And if I had to guess, based on experience I'd guess that you've sold over 35K copies of this book, which is quite the accomplishment, and you should be proud of.

    I enjoyed it, and I compliment you on your success!

  18. So…. I've read all your books. My favorite being the Portals of Infinity series.

    As to my artist, her names Caterina Kalymniou. I cherish her artwork dearly πŸ˜€

  19. Thanks for reading them. And I may just see about commissioning her for one of the upcoming projects I'm hoping to get to soon.


  20. Inhaled the book.. loved it.. can't wait to read the next. . I practically read it in one sitting. One small issue though some of the status menu prompts did not format well and it appears as if some text got lost somewhere.. going to start my second read through in the morning.. love your writing style and the characters !!

  21. Not sure how to respond to that one. Some people have reported formatting issues, but when I started digging into it, it normally had to do with phones being too small, a kindle being very old, or people pulling the file out and putting it in a different device.

    Sorry, not something I can troubleshoot, but I promise you, it's a problem with the device, rather than the text. πŸ™

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